Well, the snow has fallen and mostly stayed, although we are experiencing some pretty mild weather this weekend. So, I took advantage of a slightly larger paycheque to start the Christmas shopping! Wahoo! It was good. Fun to pick stuff out for the girls and get some other smaller gifts. Today I asked Jenny what scent she was wearing as she was fragrantly different after they picked me up for work. She said it was about 20 different scents together as they were at Fruits and Passion looking for a birthday gift. A birthday gift....hmmmm, "for who?" I asked...fully knowing she had let something slip. After that she was much less talkative and couldn't answer anymore questions! Reminds me of when I took Becky shopping for a Christmas gift for Daryl when she was about 4. Daryl asked her when they got home what we bought. She flat out told him.....
And for something totally different, check out what my good friend Charlene and her family saw today...I'm totally jealous!