Saturday, September 30, 2006

Young kids...

Originally uploaded by Jalosa.
Anyone recognize this fine looking couple? Well, hard to believe this was 17 years ago today. It was a beautiful, HOT fall day that I got to marry a guy who was full of surprises and still is. Thanks honey!

Sunday, September 24, 2006


Originally uploaded by Omega Man.
We had a great afternoon at a corn maze this afternoon with a bunch of friends. I particularily like this picture of me and my good friend Karen. She's looking for the easy exits! (we made it without having to use them)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The other woman...

Well, my husband is in love with another. Her name in Mini....Mac. He brought her home yesterday and spent all evening gazing and learning all about her. She's all sparkly and new and even worse...tiny! She does have some good points...she's made him very happy and of course, I'm sure we've got much more memory now!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Well, usually Daryl is the one taking pictures and occassionally, I have the camera in hand. Here's a photo of us together taken by my brother in law, who got our camera in his hands. As you can see, I always take my supermodel background seriously and have posed for you. (HA!)
A completely different topic, the kids are back to school and mama is home alone during the day. I am contemplating another pet. Vinnie doesn't love me like Oreo did and I'm thinking of a small dog to baby. We went to the humane society once and only found big, black barking dogs and one that could jump like a kangaroo. The kittens were tempting but we did not cave yet. I'm sure our home has room for one more furball to love.